Polzunov Altai State Technical University invites to take part in the International Scientific and Practical Conference

International Scientific and Practical Conference
«Modern Problems of Ecology, Transport and Agricultural Technologies»
Polzunov Altai State Technical University invites to take part in the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Modern Problems of Ecology, Transport and Agricultural Technologies"
The Conference is organized by Polzunov Altai State Technical University
The conference will take place in June 26−27, 2020 in Barnaul.
The purpose of the conference is to present innovative approaches to solving the problems of ecology, environmental protection, prospects for the development of ground transportation and transport-technological machines, agricultural technologies.
Following the conference, a special issue of the journal indexed by Scopus will be published.
The official language of the conference is English.
Important dates:
Submission of articles by June 25, 2020.
Notification on the article acceptance and payment: during July.
Complete research papers that meet the stated requirements are allowed for participation.
Publication of the Conference materials:
Conference participants are given an opportunity to publish their research results in the collection of articles indexed by Scopus. It is recommended to review the requirements for articles before the submission. The registration fee for publications is 12,800 rubles. Details will be sent to the authors accepted for publication.
If you need a translation of your article, we can provide additional translation services for your research papers for publication in conference proceedings.
Polzunov Altai State Technical University, 656038, Altai Krai, Barnaul, Prospekt Lenina, 46
Phone: +7 (3852) 29−09−42, +7−903−992−9577
E-mail: mpetat2020_astu@mail.ru
Conference program
1. Technosphere and environmental safety, agroecology
- Environmental protection in power engineering and automobile transport.
- Labor protection, industrial and environmental safety.
- Environmental issues in agriculture.
- Ecology and transport.
- Ecology in the energy sector.
- Information technology in ecology.
2. Current problems and prospects for agricultural technologies development
- Innovative solutions in the field of agricultural technologies.
- Biotechnology in crop production and livestock.
- Technical and technological modernization of agricultural sector.
- Modern aspects of production, processing and storage of crop and livestock products.
- Agriculture Digitalization.
- Electrical technology and electrical equipment in agriculture.
- Energy and resource saving technologies and systems.
3. Current problems and prospects for the development of ground transportation and transport-technological machines
- Safety of transport and transport-technological machines and systems.
- Improving the design of wheeled and tracked vehicles.
- Operation of ground transportation and transport-technological machines.
- Power engineering and transport.
Program Committee:
A.E. Svistula – Committee chairperson, AltSTU Vice-rector for Research and International Cooperation, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Barnaul;
A.A. Bagaev – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Head of Electrification and Automation of Agriculture Department at Altai State Agricultural University, Barnaul;
E.B. Zhukov – Candidate of Technical Sciences, Head of Boiler and Reactor Engineering Department at AltSTU, Barnaul;
S.A. Korostelev – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Head of Ground Transpotr and Technological Systems Department at AltSTU, Barnaul;
A.A. Melbert – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of Life Safety Department at AltSTU, Barnaul;
A.S. Pavlyuk – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of Automobiles and Automobile Economy Department at AltSTU, Barnaul;
V.A. Patrin – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Department of Technosphere Safety and Electrotechnology, Novosibirsk State Agrarian University, Novosibirsk;
V.V. Sadov – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Head of Mechanization of Production and Processing of Agricultural Products Department at Altai State Agricultural University, Barnaul;
P.K. Senachin – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Department of Internal Combustion Engines, Head of the University Academic Laboratory of AltSTU-SB RAS, Barnaul;
A.A. Sitnikov – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Director of Engineering and Technical Center at AltSTU, Barnaul.
Organizing committee:
S.F. Sorochenko – Committee Chairperson, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of the Ground Transportation and Technological Systems Department at AltSTU, Barnaul;
A.S. Baranov – Committee Co-Chair, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Dean of the Faculty of Power Engineering and Road Transport;
V.A. Dryuk – Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Ground Transportation and Technological Systems Department AltSTU, Barnaul;
V.A. Ugarov – AltSTU graduate student, Barnaul.