New Generation in Science: Young Scientist Received Awards from the Global Energy Association

The winners of the first cycle of the Global Energy Youth Program have been awarded in Moscow. They have shared the prize fund in amount of USD 64,000 (4 million rubles). Three researchers will get grants of USD 16,000 (1 million rubles) each. The fourth winner has already implemented his project on the production. He will receive the personal award of the same amount. This year, projects submitted for the competition were related to the fields of energy efficiency, use of the organic renewable materials instead of fossil resources, and analysis of the widespread influence of electromagnetic radiation on humans.
2018 Global Energy Prize laureate, RAS academician, Sergey Alekseenko presented golden statuettes of the competition and honorary diplomas to the winners. He wished success to the young scientists in implementing their ideas and said: «Russia is the most powerful energy nation, not only in terms of oil, gas and coal production, but also in terms of energy technologies. The young generation of scientists gives rise to new ideas and changes not only energy science, but the whole society. That is why the youth part of the Global Energy Prize is crucial for the future development».
The winner in Startup nomination is Evgeny Titov, Associate Professor of the Department of Electrification of Production and Life of Polzunov Altai State Technical University has received the statuette from the Global Energy Association not for the first time. In 2014 he won in the Energy of Youth contest, which the Association has held for Russian scientists since 2004. This year, the scientist submitted to the competition an already completed project. He created the system, which allows providing multi-parameter monitoring of the electromagnetic environment in domestic and industrial facilities. The use of this system leads to reducing the cost of full examination of one object by 97%. «The path to victory this year was laid back in 2014, when I decided to participate in the Energy of Youth contest. In 2019, I got lucky again to become the winner of the Global Energy Youth Program in the Startup nomination. In this regard, I can say with confidence: the thornier the path, the more joyful the victory. The next goal is to move on improving the functionality of the intellectualized system and revealing its potential abilities», — the researcher said.
The Global Energy Youth Program Award Ceremony was held together with the International Award Distributed Power Generation – Great Achievements ceremony. The joint holding of the two ceremonies was united by a single task – creation of a common communication platform for young scientists in order to exchange experiences and implement.