AltSTU International Students Successfully Completed Russian Language Course

AltSTU international students successfully completed course of Russian as Foreign Language at Directory of International Eduction and Cooperation. 36 students from China, Vietnam, Mongolia, Egypt, Somali, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Camerun, Afganistan, Siria, Iraq, Palestina, Marocco, Ethiopia, Indonesia, Turkmenistan, Equador, Nigeria completed the year course.
During the year studens actively studied Russian, and starting from the 2nd semester they started to learn special subjects depending on their future studies at AltSTU or other Russian universities.
Thus, students made a choise in favor of Civil Engineering Faculty, Power Engineering Faculty, Faculty of Information Technologies and Institute of Economics and Management. Some student chose medicine — they are going to enter medical universities of Barnaul, Nizhny Novgorod and Irkutsk.