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Логотип АлтГТУPolzunov Altai State Technical University
Regional Center for International Cooperation of West Siberian Universities (RCIC)
AltSTU Students Will Represent Alltai Krai at the International Engineering Championship

AltSTU Students Will Represent Alltai Krai at the International Engineering Championship

07.05.2018 10:15

The preliminary round of the International Engineering Championship «CASE-IN» in «Power Engineering» was held in Altai State Technical University.

The «CASE-IN» Championship is the largest practice-oriented competition in Russia and the CIS countries in solving engineering cases.

Each of the participating teams received a task-case, within which it was necessary to develop and submit a power supply project for the Yamal-LNG plant under construction. This is an enterprise for the extraction, liquefaction and supply of natural gas on the Yamal peninsula. Yamal-LNG is only being put into operation and the problems of its power supply, especially with the use of renewable energy sources, are topical. When developing the project, students took into account the natural and climatic features of the region, the production capacities of the enterprise. Experts assessed the technological effectiveness of solutions, the economic efficiency, novelty and innovative proposals.

As a result of the selection, the «Vyklyuchatel» team was recognized as a part of the selection by the team of the 1st and 2nd year students of the Power Engineering Faculty of Altai State Technical University, Dmitry Barsukov, Aleksandr Chernov, Ilya Borisov, Ivan Kazymov. Students will take part in the finals of the international engineering championship, which will be held in late May in Moscow.